Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
In the early sevententh century
the Sultanate of Aceh was the most wealthy, powerful and cultivated
state in the Malacca Straits region. Aceh has a history of political
independence and fierce resistance to control by outsiders, including
the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian goverment.
Aceh has substantial natural
resources, including oil and gas - some estimates put Aceh gas reserves
as being the largest in the world. Relatively, to most Indonesia, it is
a religiously conservative area.
Aceh, at the northwestern end of
Sumatra, came into contact with the outside world as early as the sixth
century AD. Chinese chronicles of that time speak of a kingdom on the
northern tip of Sumatra named Po-Li. Several Arabic writings of the
early ninth century, and later inscriptions found in India mention the
area. In 1292, Marco Polo, on his voyage from China to Persia visited
Sumatra and reported that on the northern part of Sumatra there were as
many as six trading ports including Ferlec, Samudera and Lambri. It is
ironic that this area is presently one of the least known of Indonesia.
Islam is reported to have reached Aceh between the seventh and eighth centuries AD and the first Islamic kingdom, Perlak was established in 804 AD. Then followed Samudera Pasai in 1042, Tamiah in 1184, Aceh in 1205 and Darussalam in 1511. In this year the Portuguese captured Malacca and many Asian and Arabic traders sought to avoid the Malacca Strait and called instead on Aceh's port, bringing wealth and prosperity. Aceh's dominance in trade and politics in northern parts of Sumatra began, reaching a climax between 1610 and 1640.
With the death of Sultan Iskandar Thani in 1641, Aceh's decline began. The British and Dutch both started to vie for influence. In 1824 the London Treaty was signed, giving the Dutch control over all British possessions in Sumatra in return for a Dutch surrender of their establishments in India and an abrogation of all claims on Singapore. The Dutch fought a long drawn out struggle in their attempt to subdue the Acehnese. The Aceh War, which lasted intermittently from 1873 to 1942, was the longest ever fought by Holland and cost the Dutch more than 10,000 lives. This struggle has stamped a deep imprint on the Acehnese outlook and mentality.
The era of industrialization arrived, and with it has come a more open attitude towards things alien. Visitors should keep in mind, though, that the Acehnese take their religion, their manners and their morals seriously.
Islam is reported to have reached Aceh between the seventh and eighth centuries AD and the first Islamic kingdom, Perlak was established in 804 AD. Then followed Samudera Pasai in 1042, Tamiah in 1184, Aceh in 1205 and Darussalam in 1511. In this year the Portuguese captured Malacca and many Asian and Arabic traders sought to avoid the Malacca Strait and called instead on Aceh's port, bringing wealth and prosperity. Aceh's dominance in trade and politics in northern parts of Sumatra began, reaching a climax between 1610 and 1640.
With the death of Sultan Iskandar Thani in 1641, Aceh's decline began. The British and Dutch both started to vie for influence. In 1824 the London Treaty was signed, giving the Dutch control over all British possessions in Sumatra in return for a Dutch surrender of their establishments in India and an abrogation of all claims on Singapore. The Dutch fought a long drawn out struggle in their attempt to subdue the Acehnese. The Aceh War, which lasted intermittently from 1873 to 1942, was the longest ever fought by Holland and cost the Dutch more than 10,000 lives. This struggle has stamped a deep imprint on the Acehnese outlook and mentality.
The era of industrialization arrived, and with it has come a more open attitude towards things alien. Visitors should keep in mind, though, that the Acehnese take their religion, their manners and their morals seriously.
People & Culture
Banda Aceh city was named Kutaraja. On 26 December 2004, this city had damaged by tsunami that damaged about 60% of this city buildings. The city, which is also called Rencong Land, has 9 district, namely:
1. Baiturahman
2. Kuta Alam
3. Meuraxa
4. Syiah Kuala
5. Lueng Bata
6. Ulee Kareng
7. Banda Raya
8. Jaya Baru
9. Kutaraja
Banda Aceh, which was established on April 22, 1205 by Sultan Alaidin Johansyah, is one of the oldest Islamic cities in the South-East Asia. It has been known since the seventeenth century as following.
* Metropolitan City
* Trading City (economic)
* Center of Science
* Center of Political Activities
* Center of Islamic Education
* Center of Islamic Culture in Southeast of Asia
Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien 18 Penayong
Phone: (0651) 32779
Jl. Lhok Nga Km. 8
Phone: (0651) 22056
Cindy Baru
Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien
Phone: (0651) 21761
Taman Tepi Laut
Jl. Lhoknga Km.18
Phone: (0651) 32029
Jl. A. Yani 74-76 Penayong
Jl. A. Yani 90-92 Penayong
Phone: (0651) 21442
Ujong Batee
Jl. Krueng Raya Km. 14
Asia Utama
Jl. Cut Meutia
Sinar Surya
Jl. Ratu Safiatuddin
Phone: (0651) 22308
Jl. Sukaramai
Phone: (0645) 21597
Jl. Perdagangan
Phone: (0645) 22313
Indra Malaya
Jl. Perdagangan
Phone: 21127
Jl. Sukaramai No. 43
Jl. Sukaramai No. 40
Atra Baru
Jl. Cut Meutia
Jl.. Sukaramai
Phone : (0645) 21708
Minang Surya
Jl. Sri Ratu Safiatuddin
Jl. Perdagangan
Phone: (0652) 21273
Sinar Surya
Jl. Jend. A. Yani
Jl. Khairil Anwar
Jl. Perdagangan
Phone: (0652) 21363
Al Hilal
Jl. Pasar Inpres
Jl. Blang Mesra
Jl. Malem Diwa
Yusra Baru
Jl. Lebe Kader
Rakan Ayu
Jl. Malem Diwa
Sinar Pagi
Jl. Putri Ijo
Jl. Sengeda
Dua Berlian
Jl. Iskandar Muda
Phone: (0653) 21256
Jl. Blok Sawah
Phone: (0653) 21527
Jl. Iskandar Muda
Phone: (0653) 21060
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